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First time clients should start here. Most thorough option. It covers the most important features of the two (Western and Vedic) charts in terms of personality, career possibilities, children, family, ambitions, long term relationships, financial prospects, health, and spiritual growth. House by house, and planet by planet analysis is the backbone of this reading. The interpretation also includes recommendations for remedial measures that can be directed toward problem areas in the charts.  

The reading begins with a look at the planetary aspects and house placements, which are surveyed and synthesized in order to achieve both a small and big picture view of you and your life. I employ the Vedic technique of timing events known as the dasha system, and also examine the major transits from both the Western and Vedic systems. Commentary on the past, present, and likely future of the client are thus an important part of the reading.

Time is also made available to direct the course of the reading in any way you wish. You may want to intensely investigate one specific area only, or may want to cover a few topics less deeply. You are free to decide, but it is helpful to have a good idea about what is important for you to discuss before the reading begins.

The reading includes emailed images of the charts and dashas and other relevant information regarding things such as remedial measures (mantras, gemstones, pujas, etc...). An mp3 recording of the consultation is mailed afterwards.   

Fee: $150 for 75 minute session.


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For the person interested in gaining insight into an old, new, or potential relationship, this is the best option. It is critical for this type of reading that the exact time of birth (or as close as one can get) of both people is known. Given this, this reading looks at the 'chemistry' between the people in question as well as at their individual, independent capacities for relationship.

Attention is also paid to the question of whether or not a relationship of any type is indicated in either or both of the individual's charts by either transit or planetary dasha. As always, both Vedic and Western astrological techniques are employed in the analysis. 

This consultation lasts 75 minutes, with time for questions throughout.

Fee: $125 for 75 minute session.


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If you are interested in getting some insight about your immediate future, roughly the coming 6 months to 1 year, then this is a great option. While the entirety of the chart must be considered, as always, this reading zeroes in on the planetary transits in both the Western and Vedic charts and pays special attention to the Vedic dashas that will be in effect during the time period in question.

Fee: $90 for 1 hour session.


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For those interested in becoming astrologers themselves or who just want to learn a bit more about how astrological interpretation works, I provide instruction on the fundamentals of both Vedic and Western astrology. The sessions are designed to meet the student at his or her own level. I will recommend texts and give homework assignments that will challenge but not overwhelm.

But the primary focus in the tutoring sessions is on chart interpretation. In my own experience, there is no better way to learn the 'language' of astrology than by 'speaking' it.  We will examine chart after chart together, both of the famous and the familial, in order to become more fluent in the language. I will provide a copy of the charts under study (if the student does not have the software to do so), including that of the student, which will be the first of the many charts we investigate together. 

Understanding the nature of the planets, houses, signs, dasha systems and underlying metaphysical assumptions of astrological practice is the primary aim. 

Each tutoring session is 1 hour. 

Fee: $60 per 1 hour session.

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Option 5: Relocation and Astromapping

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If you are planning a move, either long distance or not so long distance, an analysis of your relocated chart and astromap is a good idea. For this reading, we can look at specific locations you’re interested in or scan for locations based on your desires/interests. I use a number of tools for this type of reading: the relocated chart, the astromap, midpoints, parans, and local space lines. Of course, the primary birth chart must be consulted, both Vedic and Western, to see if and when a relocation is indicated.

This reading includes an mp3, a copy of the relocated chart(s), and copies of all the relevant astromaps.

Fee: $120 for 75 minute session.

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Western Computer Report

A computer generated interpretation of your Western astrology chart. Includes: descriptions of planets in houses, planets in signs, planetary aspects, and planetary dispositors. PDF format. Copy of Western and Vedic astrology charts also included.

Fee: $10

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